Just under two months ago, the American Red Cross
released a genuinely impressive app called First Aid. As you'd guess from the name, it's an app dedicated to helping you through medical emergencies; what you wouldn't guess from the name is just how good of an app it is.
Ditto for the organization's eponymous new app,
Hurricane. Dedicated to helping you monitor and prepare for hurricanes coming through your area, the app looks every bit as well done as First Aid, and comes with a long list of features:
- Step-by-step instructions let you know what to do even if the cell towers are down and the power is out.
- Monitor weather conditions in your area or those of loved-ones with location-based alerts for the U.S. and its territories from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA).
- Let family and friends know you are okay with the customizable “I’m Safe” alert for Facebook, Twitter, email and text.
- Find open Red Cross shelters in your area when you need help.
- Stay safe when the lights are out with the Hurricane Toolkit, including a strobe light, flashlight and audible alert functions.
- Prepare for the worst by learning how to assemble an emergency kit for your family in the event of power outage or evacuation.
- Empower your family to stay safe and remain calm in an emergency by learning how to make and practice an emergency plan.
- Earn badges that you can share with your friends and show off your hurricane knowledge with interactive quizzes.
- See an illustrated history of hurricanes in your area.
- Learn the difference between a hurricane warning and watch.
- Know how to what to do about food and drinking water when your area has been impacted by floods and power outages.
Not only is the app well-designed and highly functional, but it's free of ads and comes in at the low, low price of $0.
Hurricane - American Red Cross
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